Garden Build and Edit
I started with strawberries and this little patch in the first picture. After two years of that and two new cats, I realized that our cats were using my garden as a litter box, bleh. So I decided to build a couple of raised garden beds from a plan I found on Pinterest. Originally I had a bed in front of our living room window(2nd pic) but that one didn’t get enough sun, so this year I moved it over and built another one next to it which you can see in the picture below. This year I added two apple trees that will be put in the ground this fall, got them bare root so $30 instead of $60+ and decorative pumpkins which I got as starts from my dad. My kids love to go out every day and in between bike laps and grab a snap pea or 5 and my son also loves snacking on parsley, like my sister used to do. I can’t wait until the apple trees are big enough that the kids can happily snack on apples whenever they please. The tree on the right actually has some little apples this year which is crazy but so far they are staying pretty small.
If this inspires you to want to start gardening I’d encourage you to start with a container herb garden. I currently have rosemary, chives, and basil. Normally I also have parsley and sometimes cilantro and dill but this year those plants died. Cooking with fresh herbs is an instant meal upgrade and is super healthy for you too! Another easy idea is growing sprouts or micro greens which you can do in a window year round and they are super healthy for you.
Do you have any questions, comments, or ideas? Comment and I’d love to chat with you!