DIY Kitchen Shelves


I have had a cabinet in our kitchen that has drove me nuts ever since we bought our house. It‘s a huge base cabinet that had a 12” lazy Susan in it which was a complete waste so we took it out when we moved in. It’s 48” wide from corner to corner, I’m not kidding about it being a beast. I’ve looked online and wracked my brain so many times and then I asked my MIL a few months ago about it and she make a half joke about taking out the fake drawer face and opening it all up. I was staring at it again Friday evening and decided on Saturday morning to finally do it. My husband said I woke up and chose violence, ha! That’s what happens when I’ve been mudding and sanding and taping for a week and need to smash and drastically change something. I then had the idea of only doing a partial shelf, basically just in the middle because that’s the usable space, and then doing a lazy Susan on the top shelf. I went to Home Depot and got the supplies and my amazing husband did the engineering for me and made it happen! The “VOLUNTEER” shirt was a very intentional choice on his part. Bahahaha!


Magical Getaway


Pantry Evolution